commissions status & Waiting list

the artist has rheumatic polyarthritis
in her dominant hand
| Commissions status: closed |


Be aware that the waiting could take months.
'Cause of my work, I won't draw commissions during the summer (from June to September)
When your turn comes, if I won't find you (account disabled, IG name changed, ..), I'll just start the next commission and you will lose your queue.
So the responsibility to notify me about any changes, is yours.
Thanks for supporting my art!

Doodle list

It could take a while 'cause of my wrist conditions.
Please, be patient.

silver.eaglex [done]
green.zebra [done]
sakamaki [done]

Commissions status[ Closed ]

Working on




Waiting list

The waiting list has been reset.
A lot of months are passed since the last time i drew a commission. There will probably be many inactive ppl by now. Also I'm changing style and prices too.
Cause after all the things I've passed with my wrist, I have to take more care of it.
I can't overdo anymore..


commissions done

xkyuuri [x2doodle] -done- [x2doodle] -done-
Luwu [x2doodle] -done-
lunaalmeisan -done-
nadine.ca92 -done-
tosieqx -done-
mintyteacakes -done-
bubblytea -done-
dela [x2 doodle] -done-
anilecdragon [x2 doodle] -done-
dreamfields -done-
zero.kuran.ff.xiv [x4doodle] -done-
jacobiannava -done-
costanicole_ -done-
luwu -done-
zero.kuran.ff.xiv [x2 doodle] -done-
silver.eaglex -done-
nihilora_ -done-
lantis.ffxiv -done-
shikisakamaki [x2 doodle] -done-
tristenl -done-
silver.eaglex [x2 doodle] -done-
luwu [ x4 doodle] -done-
[x2 doodle] -done-
rahe -done-
suzrv -done-